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How to Curate a Sublime Sandwich Platter

Sublime Sandwich Platter

We're not about to tell you how to make a sandwich. Let's just make that crystal clear from the start. But there are a few notions to consider when putting on an array of sandwiches. Especially if you want to be fancy, and do things the way the High Tea institutions do. Your Fortnum & Masons or your Hampton Courts. 

For starters, and though it may seem sacrilegious, you should use thin bread. That way, the filling is given the opportunity to shine. As delicious as it may be, the bread itself is just a delivery mechanism for what's inside it. 

For the purposes of a High Tea, it's good practice to remove the crusts. This may seem like something you'd do for your favourite child's lunchbox, but there is a fair reason for it. Crusts, while mostly innocuous, do impart a subtle flavour — which, once again, hampers the filling's ability to sing out as intended. 

Lastly, cut your sandwiches into fingers. They look nicer that way, and they taste better for some reason. They just do. No rationale. Some kind of sandwichy magic, perhaps. 

And with those tidbits out of the way, we present to you the main event. Our favourite sandwiches. Adorned with Sublime as relevant. Pick one or pick them all; a meat one, a seafood one, a veggie one. That way, everyone's happy. Then again, with a High Tea smorgasbord in front of them, who couldn't be?

Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese

Sophisticated, balanced, and visually appealing. With a description of our editor out of the way, let's talk salmon. 

It would be remiss to indulge a ratio of less than 3:2 filling to bread here, for there truly is a lot to savour. Consider weaving in a zealous dose of chives and black pepper to your bed of cream cheese, and a generous squeeze of good quality lemon juice to the salmon itself. 

For aromatic lift, use Sublime No. 19 for good measure. To go utterly bonkers, use Ridiculous No. 55 instead. 

Ham & Mustard

There are few things as straightforward as a ham sandwich. There is simply nothing not to understand. A thin scraping of English mustard — just sufficient to get into your nostrils — is the unexpected tonic to a lack of nostalgia. 

But as the inventors of Ridiculous butter, it would be unlike us not to try something special. Which is why we would suggest first layering your bread — which we would like to be wholemeal, by the way — with a blanket of Sublime No. 12. Now there's a simple treat that's greater than the sum of its parts.  


Leave cucumber sandwiches as is. They're utterly perfect. Use white bread. use Sublime No. 1. That is all. 

Egg & Cress

Everybody knows how they like their eggs. And cress, though dangerously finite, adds a peppery snap that just can't be beat. For that reason, though it pains us to be uninventive, we implore you to cease the creativity here as well. Sublime No. 1, as always, offers you the creamy base you need. Otherwise, eggs is eggs. 

To bring this finery to a close, we wish you the grandest of luck and merriest of Mother's Days. Share your platters with us @sublimebutter for a chance to win a box with our compliments.

With much love,

Team Sublime